Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Killing Gone Girl

 Gone Girl Comics is Dead

I wrote last August about the origins of Gone Girl Comics (here).  The long and short of it is that I created a manuscript under the title of Gone Girl and failed to copyright it.

Now that there is a famous mystery novel and movie by that name, I don't want any confusion with the book's author or her intellectual property, so I'm killing the title Gone Girl in my images, books and web presence moving forward.

For the curious:  I did NOT receive a cease and desist letter, or encounter any other legal issues.  I'm just doing what makes sense to me for the long run.


New URLs All Around

I'm unifying everything webby under NoelFranklinArt and changing the blog and book title to Girl On The Road.  If you are reading this blog now, you've already found me - I've archived all the previous blogs here under noelfranklinart.blogspot.com and created a rudimentary redirect page at the old URL.

As much of a pain as this is, I'm happy to be doing it now and not later down the road.  A full list of my current social media links is building on the sidebar.  ==>

I will still be selling previously created copies of Gone Girl Comics #1 and #2 but will likely not self-publish more short stories collections anytime soon, as I'm focussing on a full-length graphic novel.

 Girl On The Road posts about comics, publication and community on Tuesdays.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Girl On The Road

Myself and Roberta Gregory
enjoying the awesome vibe at Hometown Heroes.
Starting this week, I'm going to be focusing a LOT MORE on the process for the creation of my graphic novel, Girl On The Road.  I did want to note a quick few things before I do.

What A Week

It started, for me, on Friday night with the first ever Hometown Heroes, a new Seattle event featuring independent Seattle comics creators.  I posted a ton of photos on the Hometown Heroes Facebook page, but here is one of me with pioneering female cartoonist Roberta Gregory.  The event was packed and really, really fun. 

Two handsome cartoonists,
Sarah Romano Diehl with Marc Palm at Comicon.

Sunday I tabled the I Heart Comics art table at Emerald City Comicon.  I waded through oceans of super fans in cosplay to share a space with fellow Seattle cartoonists Sarah Romano Diehl and Marc Palm.

Monday I dropped off two large illustrations I produced for the Science +/- Art show at Twilight Gallery.  The show officially opens this coming Thursday, and I'm excited - what a great last commitment to have before delving back into relative solitude to work on a book-length comics story.

My portraits of Jay Defeo and Eva Hess, depicted with their iconic
art works and the chemical symbol for one of the toxic mediums
they worked with that may have lead to their deaths.
They will be on display until the first week in May at Twilight Gallery.

Back Into The Fray 

Misfire!  My first stab at a first page for a
sample chapter of Girl On The Road.
I decided against it before completing it.
The work I've been doing for anthologies and gallery shows sometimes feels like a distraction from the real work I've cut out for myself.  I've been wondering if signing on for so many projects hasn't been a form of self-sabotage.  I'm not going to get any farther as a cartoonist, period, without completing a graphic novel.

However, I feel like I have been upgrading my drawing skills, and have been able to experiment with some stylistic choices that I wouldn't have if I were already working on a book-length narrative.  There's going to be a lot of visual choices to make moving forward, and I think (hope) that all of the projects I've put my shoulder into this past year will be informing those decisions.

I'm going to be spending the rest of these weeks reviewing the work I've already done - going back over the maps and timelines, the sample chapter scripts, and trying to set up a framework to move forward with.  The plan is to wake up Monday morning and treat the book like a full time job.  I'll keep you posted.

C-log posts on comics, publication and community that publishes on Tuesdays.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Grinding Up The Gears

Jezinkas!  My 18-page adaptation
of a Bohemian folk tale.
Now available on NoelFranklinArt Etsy.

Hello, Etsy!

So I've launched an Etsy shop.  Right now it only has a few mini comics on it, but I will be bulking it up with additional stories and lots of original arts in the coming two weeks.

You can find it here:  

Once upon a time I had a shop associated with my website.  And then I foolishly allowed my URL to lapse and it was purchased by some URL brokerage and is being held ransom.  

DO NOT DO AS I HAVE DONE.  I totally need to relaunch a website.  

Until then, come on over and check my Etsy out!

Also know that I am available for commissions, including portraits, album and poster art or....try me.   You can contact me with requests at m.noel.franklin@gmail.com


Hometown Heroes and ECCC

The location of Hometown Heroes.
Emerald City Comicon is happening literally right up the
street, where Pine Street runs into Interstate 5.

Quick reminder come check out Hometown Heroes, an awesome sounding new comics event where you can sample the art and minicomics of 30 local Seattle independent creators.

The event happens on Friday, April 8th from 6:30 to 11:00.  The location is 1927 Events, just down the street from Emerald City Comicon.

You can check out the details on the Hometown Heroes Facebook Page. 

If you are going to be in attendance at Comicon, you can find me at the I Heart Comic Art Table, Booth L13 in the Artist Alley.

You can find full details here.

A work by Aaron Morgan from

But What About Saturday?
Two Art Shows of Note.

You already know I'm a big fan of Push/Pull Gallery in the Ballard district of Seattle.

Well, they are having a fantastic art show of works inspired by Mikhail Bulgakov's brilliant book The Master and Margarita.  

The show will feature work by Seattle artists Corianna Garrels, Maxx Follis, Melissa McClintock, Aaron Morgan and Mark Campos.
The event runs from 6 -10 PM on Saturday April 9th.  Full details here.

But wait, there's more!

I would be remiss to not mention Fantagraphics Bookstore & Gallery's tribute to late Italian cartoonist Guido Crepax. The event features an exhibition of original art by contemporary American cartoonists including David Lasky, Peter Kuper, Benjamin Marra, Roberta Gregory, George Pratt, and Mark Wheatley, as well as reproductions from the Complete Crepax Volume 1. 

The opening on Saturday, April 9 from 6:00 to 9:00 PM includes film shorts by Brazilian artist Alex Korolkovas, a sound installation by Sérgio Rocha of Portugal, a limited edition Crepax companion publication, and other exclusive merchandise.

NEXT WEEK. . . Twilight Gallery!
Defeo's Deadly Rose.
One of two works I'll be exhibiting at
Science +/- Art show at Twilight Gallery.

I will have two works in the Science +/- Art show at Twilight Gallery.

Science+/-Art examines the interplay of art (empathy, creativity, subjectivity) and science (categorization, rules, objectivity).

The show opens April 14th from 6-9pm during the West Seattle Art Walk and runs through May 28th.

Featuring artists include myself, Marie Hausauer, Jody Joldersma, Satpreet Kahlon and Jess Rees.

I LOVE THIS SHOW!!! And it may be my last gallery show for a while.  So stop on by!
Until next week!

C-log posts on comics, publication and community that publishes on Tuesdays.